Rabbi Gustavo Gryncwajg Chairman – Moritz Kleinman 8 Borochov Street, POB 54 Ra’anana, 4310000 Tel. 011-972-52-4527140 masorti.amitai@gmail.com |
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The Raanana Masorti Congregation Amitai is an established conservative congregation which has been active in Raanana since its establishment in 1975. One of the most significant events in its recent history occurred five years ago when the two separate conservative congregations in Raanana at the time decided to amalgamate. One of the congregations comprised mainly English speaking olim and the other predominantly Latin American Spanish speakers. The result is one large, vibrant community with Hebrew as the common language.
Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it now caters comprehensively for the needs of both immigrants and native Israeli families, young and old. This has opened doors which were previously closed by bringing these various sectors together – Zionism at its finest. Amitai provides its members with a community (Kehila) atmosphere including activities for the youngsters from the age of 5 to 95!
The spiritual leader of the Kehila which has around 120 member families, is Rabbi Gustavo Gryncwajg who has a wealth of community leadership experience from his native Argentina and about 25 years in Israel.

In addition to prayer services on Shabbatot and holidays, lectures and discussions on spiritual and secular matters, a wide range of cultural activities and entertainment, the Kehila also runs a hugely successful and popular youth framework called “Ruach Amitai” for children between the ages of 5 and 18. The number of participants has tripled in the last three years and now there are well over 100 involved.
The youngsters meet every Friday afternoon and whilst enjoying their activities are exposed to and instructed in Jewish values, concluding each meeting with Kabbalat Shabbat. The highlights of their annual activities are the summer and winter camps away from home.
Life cycle events
Young families and old have a Kehila which envelops them, provides them with a place to celebrate or acknowledge all the life-cycle events from Brit/Brita through Bar/Bat Mitzva, marriage and, of course, burial and mourning.
Community center
The second significant achievement of the Kehila is having been allocated, by the Raanana municipality, a site on which to build a permanent and suitable community center to replace the smaller and dispersed locations used today. We hope to lay the cornerstone by the end of 2017.
Kabbalat Shabbat at 8, Borochov Street, Raanana starts at 6:45 pm in the summer and 5:45 in winter. Shacharit Shabbat is at 8:30 am and there is a Thursday morning minyan at 7:00 am.
Contact us
To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, to donate to our building fund or for more information please contact the chairman, Moritz Kleinman tel. +972-52-4527140 or send a mail to masorti.amitai@gmail.com
Visit us on Facebook: “Kehila Masortit Amitai”